The Great Launch Of Tyche

Tyche: An Online Art Store

‘Art is a line around your thoughts’, says Gustav Klimit. As rightly said by the legend, let’s run down our thoughts on canvas to create sublime art. Yes! It’s time to step into a world where creativity knows no bounds & opulence.

Tyche – a leading art destination recently announced its debut into the world of limited-edition art prints, plates & collectibles at Giftex – India’s Premier Gift Exhibition. The brand brings an exclusive collection of luxury art pieces that are a testament to the fusion of artistic brilliance and lavish aesthetics. The mesmerizing art collection will indulge your senses and elevate your surroundings with remarkable artpieces that redefine luxury.

Each piece in our collection is meticulously handcrafted by stellar artists who pour their hearts into every stroke. These artists are pioneers in their fields, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. They blend traditional techniques with cutting-edge approaches, resulting in pieces that are not just art, but also a testament to the mastery of their craft.

Some famous artists associated with Tyche include – MF Husain, Anjolie Ela Menon, S H Raza, Paresh Maity, Shahabuddin Ahmed, Manu Parekh, Jayasri Burman, Kishen Khanna, Thot Vaikuntam, & more.

Experience At Giftex

Visitors who interacted during their visit to our booth continued to engage & enquire about our art store through social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram which is a sign that we’ve successfully captured their interest. Eventually, we gained a significant number of new customers during the exhibition, which indicates that our booth and artworks were able to attract a fresh audience.

During this 4-days event, people were able to establish meaningful connections with other artists, gallery owners, industry professionals, and art enthusiasts. These relationships will lead to future opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships. The positive feedback from visitors who encountered our booth indicated that our artwork resonated with the audience.

Post exhibition our social media analytics says, there was a spike in traffic, followers, likes, shares, and comments after the exhibition. This shows that the event generated interest and curiosity. We’ve even collected some reviews or testimonials from customers and posted them on our website.

Tune in: 5 Compelling Reasons To Buy Art Prints And Collectibles

Number Of Visitors

Our stall’s meticulous layout was a visual standout that caught the eye of not only the visitors but also fellow exhibitors. The showcased artworks added an artistic touch that resonated with attendees. This art-centric approach set our booth apart and generated curiosity among visitors. It has inspired us to create more pieces in a similar style or theme since it has resonated with the audience.

Tyche offers specially curated limited edition art prints, plates, and unique collectibles that embody the fusion of fine art and design, maintaining an essence of luxury. Through collaboration, merchandising, and the creation of customized merchandise, we aim to transform art into chic gifting options or adorn your living spaces. We had approximately 6000 visitors visiting our booth at Giftex 2023. The visitors were captivated by our exclusive collection, which featured products never before seen at the event. This uniqueness and exclusivity played a significant role in drawing attention and generating footfall for our booth.

We received an overwhelming response from various segments. Corporate clients, wedding planners, and art collectors expressed strong interest in acquiring exclusive pieces for their collections. Visitors took full advantage of our inaugural discounts. There were orders placed for our limited edition art plates, and a significant number of visitors displayed a keen interest in artworks by Manu Parekh, Thota Vainkuttam, Krishen Khanna, and SH Raza along with customizable packaging options.

Anticipated Business Growth

With the approaching major festivals in India and the impending wedding season, Tyche is poised for substantial business growth in the near future. The enthusiastic response received at Giftex has laid a solid foundation for increased sales & market presence. The alignment of our products with upcoming festivities and celebrations bodes well for a prosperous business period ahead.

Our Expansion Plans

The art industry is a vibrant and growing sector in India, with a diverse range of customers including art enthusiasts, collectors, and individuals seeking exclusive pieces. Tyche recognizes this potential and plans to capitalize on it. Our expansion strategy involves diversifying our product range to cater to various tastes, collaborating with more prominent artists, and exploring new distribution channels. By tapping into the growing art market, Tyche aims to achieve sustained growth and establish a stronger foothold in the industry.

Indian art market witnesses a turnover of $144.3 million in FY 2023.” It’s a lucrative investment amongst HNI to diversify wealth and create value. Today, the pool of investors looks forward to including fine art in their investment strategies that will reap benefits in the near future. While traditional buyers continue to remain a force to reckon with in driving the art market; new art enthusiasts have also emerged who are interested in collecting art from renowned artists. But there’s a catch! The GenZs are buying art, especially in the form of canvas prints & collectibles to defend against economic uncertainties. Secondly, heirloom art carries a nostalgic value. By preserving it, the family can uphold their legacy of renowned artists.

Investing in artprints and collectibles displays the significance of cultural heritage, diversifies your family’s assets, and gives financial security to future generations.

Experience the Epitome Of Enigmatic Art With Tyche!